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When the Way to the GI Tract is Through the Nose:
a primer on nasal enteric feeding tubes  


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When oral intake is no longer an option, selection of an alternate means of nutrition delivery becomes a clinical priority. Enteral nutrition is preferred for patients with an intact and functional GI tract. This presentation provides an overview of nasal enteric feeding tubes. Content includes anatomy associated with tube placement, clinical indications for tube placement, determining the ideal tube tip location, safe placement technique, management of the patient and complications associated with the tube. 


Learning Objectives

  1. Review anatomy associated with feeding tube placement

  2. Identify clinical indications for nasal enteric feeding tube placement, safe placement technique, and verification of anatomical location of the tube tip

  3. Discuss management of and complications associated with nasal enteric feeding tubes

Please note that this webinar program is NOT accredited for RT's

Continuing Education for Respiratory Therapists and Nurses                          

This program has been approved for 1.0 contact hours Continuing Respiratory Care Education (CRCE) credit by the American Association of Respiratory Care, 9425 N. MacArthur Blvd. Suite 100, Irving, TX 75063.


This education activity is approved for 1.0 contact hour. Provider approved by California Board of Nursing, Provider # 14477 and the Florida Board of Nursing Provider # 50-17032

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