Hemodynamic Monitoring:
Are We Keeping Our Patients Safe?
Angela Craig, MS, APN, CCNS, CCRN-K
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Healthcare workers are patient advocates, and we all need to be aware of the potential complications and errors of Hemodynamic Monitoring. It is essential that we make sure training occurs to ensure proper leveling and zeroing of pressurized lines. Many clinical errors can occur with hemodynamic monitoring like inappropriate or delayed interventions. This presentation will discuss how to identify potential errors and prevent these. It is essential that the healthcare team know how to prevent infections of these lines as well.
Learning Objectives
Upon cmpletion of this activity, the participant will be able to:
Discuss Importance of Leveling and Zeroing of a pressurized line
Discuss Infection Prevention techniques with an arterial line and a central line
Discuss potential clinical errors associated with hemodynamic monitoring and what you can do to prevent these errors