Sounds of Silence: Reducing Nuisance Alarms in IV Pumps
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The Joint Commission’s National Patient Safety Goal (NPSG) focuses on managing clinical alarm systems that have the most direct relationship to patient safety. By 2016, hospitals will be required to improve practice standards to reduce false and nuisance alarms to meet the NPSG goal to “improve the safety of clinical alarms.” Infusion pumps accounts for significant number of these false or nuisance alarms. This can be a frustrating disruption to nurses as well as disturbing for their patients. Quite often it is the IV line that is causing these sensitive devices to signal that something is wrong when no intervention is necessary. IV line occlusion and dislodgement are significant contributors to alarm fatigue, interrupted medication delivery, and unnecessary IV line restarts. In this free CE session, we will be discussing how to troubleshoot IV alarms, techniques to prevent false or nuisance alarms, and minimize IV restarts with proper securement of the IV site.
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this webinar participants will be able to:
Identify 3 different sources of IV pump alarms
Describe the risks associated with alarm fatigue
Discuss the role of securement of the IV lines in the reducing false alarms and IV restarts