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Early Tracheostomy for the Prevention of VAP: Evidence and Management


Gail S Drescher MA RRT RRT-ACCS, 

Perspectives is committed to providing timely, evidence-based education to maximize healthcare provider’s ability to enhance patient outcomes throughout the continuum of care from hospital to home.

Perspectives’ newsletters and webinars are accredited for CNE and/or CRCE credits provided without cost through an educational grant provided by Dale Medical Products, Inc.

Perspectives is committed to providing timely, evidence-based education to maximize healthcare provider’s ability to enhance patient outcomes throughout the continuum of care from hospital to home.


Perspectives’ newsletters and webinars are accredited for CNE and/or CRCE credits provided without cost through an educational grant
provided by Dale Medical Products, Inc.


Continuing Education for Respiratory Therapists and Nurses                          

This program has been approved for 1.0 contact hours Continuing Respiratory Care Education (CRCE) credit by the American Association of Respiratory Care, 9425 N. MacArthur Blvd. Suite 100, Irving, TX 75063.


This education activity is approved for 1.0 contact hour. Provider approved by California Board of Nursing, Provider # 14477 and the Florida Board of Nursing Provider # 50-17032

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